Efficiency is…
…all about how well the platform exploits the environment it’s running in. The Asterisk PBX, upon which SARK is based, is a pretty efficient engine but it can be dramatically hampered if you run complex dial-plan logic in the interpreter. Unlike many other popular offerings SARK uses almost no dial-plan logic. Instead, it does all of it’s decision making in a separate module called the HPE. The HPE is purpose built using compiled C code. Why do we do this? Because C runs exponentially faster than interpreted dial-plan logic and uses very little resource. Put simply, we get more bang for the buck.
In practice this means real cost savings to our stakeholders. In cloud based environments you will generally be able to run less CPU and memory than you can with other offerings resulting in lower monthly charges. Real bottom line savings. In tight, low-memory ARM SoC applications SARK will handle higher call arrival rates than competitive products. One of our most popular offerings is the little SARK200 ARM SoC. It will fit in the palm of your hand yet happily handle the telephony for a small to medium sized business at very low cost of ownership.
Next time you attend a demo of an Asterisk based PBX, ask to watch the Asterisk console as a call arrives and see how much work it does. You will be amazed at just how much is involved. Then watch SARK receiving a call. Almost nothing, just a few steps and call start up is complete. Efficiency designed into the core, saving you time and money.