Fast Network Discovery
Maybe you already have your DHCP server set up to deliver option 66 to the phones. Maybe you’re using phone types that don’t support multicast. Maybe it’s a small installation and you want to manually set the provisioning URL into your phones yourself. Or maybe you just want a handy tool to find network attached phones in a hurry. SARK’s Fast Network Discovery can help.
Fast Network Discovery will scan your immediate network and return a list of all the compatible SIP devices it finds. If they’re already defined to SARK it will also list their extension numbers. If not it will give you option to ‘adopt’ the phone and create extension and provisioning information for it.
The discovery algorithm will scan and collate a /24 network in just a few seconds elapsed time, so that’s why we call it fast! Click on “Adopt” and SARK will do all the work to create the extension bucket for you and you can bring the phone into service. Easy as that.