Everyone loves pizza. It’s one of the most popular fast foods on earth and some of the global chains are huge corporations. Our customer ranks in the top ten fast food chains worldwide and they’re still growing.

Telephony is critical to pizza delivery. You can’t take the calls, you can’t sell the pizza. When you’re doing it at scale everything has to have redundancy built in. Dual sourced carriers, dual sourced GSM partners, high availability PBX cluster at the centre of it all managing call distribution to the in-store PBXs. Seamlessly re-routing to in-store GSM if a local broadband circuit fails or a local PBX goes offline. It goes on and on.

If that weren’t enough, the in-store PBX’s have to intelligently handshake with the customer built in-store systems, handing off CLID and order information in real time via a bespoke back-end API.

Traditionally, the customer simply duplicated their home based telephony whenever they launched in a new country but in this case they wanted to explore the possibility of moving to a SIP VoIP based infrastructure. Our reseller helped them see that the adaptability and extensibility of SARK would allow them achieve their goal on time, at lower cost and with future adaptability built-in.