Extensibility is…
…the ability to change with the problem space or the usecase. Back in the bad old days, you chose a PBX and you got what you were given, and that’s still true today for most proprietary offerings. SARK is different. It’s highly functional right out of the box but it also allows you to easily and quickly add your own features to cover the things we didn’t think of. And there will always be things we didn’t think of. It’s just plain impossible to predict the million and one unusual and interesting things customers will want to do with their PBX. This becomes even more important in the exploding new world of IOT where we don’t even know what many of the applications will be yet, but we’ll definitely want to interact with them when we do. SARK’s extensibility gives resellers a vital competitive edge, allowing them to solve problems others can’t.
A few examples from three very different customers, one small, one large and one in between, may help illustrate the importance of extensibility. -
SARK links a highly distributed workforce and connects decision makers quickly in times of need.
A care home chain wanted a particularly important feature to help serve their clients better.
SARK provides the telephony for a global pizza company’s launch into a new European market.